Mr Hankey's Toys DildoHankey's Toys

The site is strictly reserved for adults. The age of majority is set at 18 in France. It is different depending on the country. Regardless of where you visit our website, you must be of the age of majority as defined in your country of residence.

The protection of minors is an important issue for us.

In order to protect minors, we put in place various measures:


DISCLAIMER site for adults

The display of an information message as soon as you enter the site. This message clearly indicates the fact that our website presents content reserved for an audience of the age of majority. Indeed, some content (texts or images) may present a sexual and/or pornographic nature that may offend the sensibilities of some visitors.

For your information, the age of majority is defined by country and state:

  • France: 18 years old
  • Belgium: 18 years old
  • Germany: 18 years old
  • England: 18
  • Scotland: 16 years
  • United States: 18 years old - Mississippi (21), Alabama and Nebraska (19)



The website is also marked and labeled with the RTA label.

The “Adults Only” site label was created by the Association of Websites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) to better enable parental filtering. This demonstrates the online adult industry's commitment to helping parents by preventing children from viewing adult content at an inappropriate age.



When creating a customer account on our site, the age of the visitor and potential customer is required. Although this information is only declarative, it deters individuals from ordering when they do not meet the minimum age requirement.


Finally, we are required to limit and authorize access to certain sensitive content only to customers.

If, despite the measures we take, you notice that a child is consulting our website, you must deny him access immediately. Simple and effective solutions exist. They can be installed on a computer and/or a smartphone. This will prevent the child from viewing our content and that of other inappropriate websites.